Companies (476 total)

Name Stage Description
100ms Series A Video conferencing and live streaming APIs.
Ably Series B Realtime application infrastructure.
Acceldata Series C Data observability.
Activeloop Series A Data lake for deep learning.
Aerospike Series E NoSQL low latency data store.
Agora public Voice, video, messaging and streaming APIs.
AI21 Labs Series C Natural Language Processing tools.
Airbyte Series B Open source data integration and pipeline.
Aiven Series D Managed open source cloud data platform.
Algolia Series D Search API as a service.
Align AI seed User analytics for AI products.
Alpaca Series B Stock and crypto trading API.
Ambassador Series B Dev tools for Kubernetes.
Anthropic Series D Large language models (LLMs).
Antimatter Series A Data access control.
Anyscale Series C Large language model (LLM) infrastructure.
APIMATIC seed Autogenerated SDKs and example code for APIs.
Apollo Series D GraphQL platform.
Aporia acquired AI model input and output security and control.
Archera Series B Cloud cost control.
Arize Series A Machine learning model observability.
Arnica seed Application and code security tools.
AssemblyAI Series C Speech AI models via a web API.
Astronomer Series C Airflow data pipelines.
Authentik Security seed User identity management platform.
AuthZed Series A Authorization infrastructure.
Aviator seed Developer tools for code repositories.
Axiom seed Logging and tracing.
Axolo pre-seed Code review automation in Slack.
Bandwidth public Communications platform-as-a-service.
Baseten Series B Inference platform for AI models.
BentoML seed Inferencing provider for AI models.
Better Stack Series A Observability and log management.
Bit Series B Composable software components.
Bitrise Series C Continuous integration and delivery for mobile.
Bodo Series A Parallel computation for data analytics.
Braintrust Series A LLM prompting and evaluation.
Bright Data private equity Data scraping and collection.
Browserbase Series A Headless browsers-as-a-service.
BrowserStack Series B App and browser device simulation testing.
Bubble Series A Low code / no code application builder.
Bugcrowd Series E Crowdsourced security via bug bounties.
BuildBuddy seed Hosted Bazel continuous integration.
Buildkite Series A Continuous integration pipeline platform.
Bump pre-seed API creation tools.
Cartesia Series A Real-time voice AI.
Carto Series C Spatial data analysis platform.
Cast AI Series B Cloud computing cost controls.
CData Series C Real-time data sync.
Census Series B Data activation platform for data warehouses.
Cerebrium seed Machine learning platform for training and deployment.
Chainguard Series C Software supply chain security.
Chainlink Series C Decentralized computing platform.
Chalk seed Machine learning infrastructure.
Chameleon Series A In-product walkthroughs and analytics.
ChaosSearch Series B Data indexing for input into analytics.
Checkly Series B Code-based monitoring.
Checkr Series E Background checks and personal data lookup infrastructure.
Chroma seed Open source embedding vector database.
Circle private equity Payments infrastructure via blockchain.
CircleCI Series F Hosted continuous integration.
Clarifai Series C Machine learning APIs.
Cleanlab Series A Data quality issue identification and remediation.
Clearbit acquired Go-to-market intelligence data and APIs.
Clerk Series B User management platform.
ClickHouse Series B Column-oriented datastore.
Cloudflare public Content delivery network and web app infrastructure.
Cloudsmith Series A Software artifact management.
Cockroach Labs Series F Distributed SQL database.
Codefresh acquired Continuous integration and delivery platform.
Codeium Series C Coding copilot.
Coder Series B Cloud development environment provisioning.
CodeRabbit Series A AI code reviews.
CodeSee acquired Code visualization and automation.
Cohere Series D Natural language processing as a service.
Comet Series B Machine learning model lifecycle management and monitoring.
Composable seed LLM application platform.
Confident AI pre-seed Evaluation infrastructure for LLMs.
Confluent public Apache Kafka hosting and tooling.
Contentful Series F Headless content management system (CMS). seed Analytics for products that use LLMs.
Convex Series A Backend infrastructure-as-a-service.
Convoy pre-seed Webhooks proxy.
Coralogix Series D Infrastructure observability.
Couchbase Series G Distributed NoSQL data store.
Courier Series B Developer infrastructure for product notifications.
Credal seed Data workflows and LLM connections.
Crowdstrike public Cybersecurity products.
Cube Series B Data source and application middleware.
Cursor Series B LLM copilot-based code editor.
Cypress Series B Testing automation tools.
Dagger Series A Continuous integration build pipelines.
Dagster Series B Data pipeline orchestration.
Daily Series B WebRTC-based APIs for video and audio app development.
Datadog public Application monitoring, security and observability.
Datadome Series C Bot protection.
Datafold Series A Data observability and quality issue mitigation.
Datagran seed Data analysis, modeling and workflows.
Dataiku Series F Data analysis and visualization platform.
DataStax Series G Vector database.
Daytona seed Development environment manager.
DBOS seed Serverless PostGreSQL and TypeScript platform.
dbt Series D Data transformation.
Deepchecks seed Evaluation for LLM-based applications.
Deepgram Series B Low quality transcription API.
Deepinfra seed Hosted AI models-as-a-service.
DeepL Series C AI translator and writing tools.
deepset Series B Applied data analytics via large language models.
DeltaStream Series A Event stream processing.
Descope seed Authentication management.
Detectify Series B Security vulnerability scanning, monitoring and pentesting.
DevCycle seed Software feature flags.
DevZero Series A Build and test in a production-clone cloud environment.
DigitalOcean public Cloud computing infrastructure.
Directus Series A Application backend-as-a-service.
Ditto Series B Cross-platform device data sync.
dltHub pre-seed Data load tool. acquired Real-time streaming infrastructure.
Doppler Series A Secret environment variables syncing and security.
DoubleCloud seed Data analytics infrastructure.
Dragonfly Series A In-memory key-value pair datastore.
Duality Series B Privacy-enhanced data computing.
Dynatrace public Infrastructure monitoring and security.
Earthly seed Build framework and continuous integration.
Eden AI pre-seed AI model orchestration.
EdgeDB Series A Open source graph-relational database.
Edgee pre-seed Open source edge computing.
Elastic public Open source search solutions.
ElevenLabs Series C Voice cloning.
Encord Series B AI model testing, evaluation, and data management.
Endor Labs Series B Software supply chain security.
Epsilla pre-seed Retrieval-augmented generation-as-a-service.
Esper Series C Android device fleet management platform.
Evervault Series A Encryption developer tools.
Exa Series A Search engine for data and embeddings.
Expo seed Cross-platform native apps and websites development kit.
FalkorDB seed Graph database.
Fastly public Content delivery network (CDN) and cloud security.
Fastn seed No-code/low-code for API and data integrations.
Fauna Series A Distributed document-relational database.
Felt Series A Geospatial maps data.
Fern seed Helper libraries and documentation for APIs.
Fidel API Series B Payments infrastructure API.
Finch Series B API for employment systems.
Fingerprint Series C Device and user identity.
Finmark acquired Financial planning and modeling software for startups.
Firefly Series A Infrastructure-as-code scanning.
FireHydrant Series B Alerting and incident response.
Fireworks AI Series B Large language model inference platform.
Fivetran Series D Data extraction, loading and transformation pipelines.
Flagsmith bootstrapped Feature flags and remote configurations.
Fleet Series A Open-source device management for IT and security teams.
Flightcontrol pre-seed Platform-as-a-service on AWS.
FlutterFlow Series A Low code UI builder. Series C Edge-based application infrasturcture.
Foundational seed Data management platform.
Frigade seed React components for building product onboarding flows.
FusionAuth Series A Authentication and authorization service.
Galileo Series B LLM evaluation and observability.
Gatsby acquired React-based website and web app infrastructure.
Gentrace Series A Generative AI quality and speed evaluation.
GitGuardian Series B Code security.
GitHub acquired Source control and deployment automation.
GitLab public Software development platform for teams.
Gitpod Series A Isolated cloud dev environments.
Gladia Series A Audio transcription and translation APIs.
GlareDB seed SQL database for distributed data sources.
Gradient seed Infrastructure platform for running custom LLMs.
Grafana Labs Series D Operational dashboards for data.
Graphite Series A Code review automation and workflow tooling.
Gremlin Series B Enterprise chaos engineering platform.
Greptile seed Code review bot. Series B Synthetic data creation.
GrowthBook pre-seed Open source feature flags.
Guardrails AI seed Custom validators for LLMs.
Harness Series D Software development platform for teams.
HarperDB seed Distributed data and compute.
HashiCorp public Open source cloud infrastructure for deployment and security.
Hasura Series C Data platform for creating APIs.
Hatchet pre-seed Distributed task queue.
Heap acquired Digital analytics.
Helicone pre-seed LLM application monitoring.
Herald seed APIs for commercial insurance.
Hex Series C Data analysis and visualization tools. seed Open source infrastructure monitoring.
Hookdeck seed Reliable webhook infrastructure. seed Code scanner for sensitive data.
HuggingFace Series D Create, discover and collaborate on machine learning models.
Humanitec seed Self-service internal developer infrastructure.
Humanloop seed Prompt evaluation and monitoring.
Hume Series B AI toolkit for understanding human emotion.
Hypertune pre-seed Type-safe feature flags for JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem.
Imply Series D Database for analytics applications with Druid. Series A On-call incident management.
Infisical seed Open source secret and configuration management.
InfluxData Series E Creators of time series database InfluxDB.
Infracost seed Cloud spending cost estimates.
Inigo seed GraphQL management and security.
Inngest seed TypeScript-based serverless functions.
Instabug Series B Mobile app testing and feedback.
Integration App seed Custom integrations for software-as-a-service applications.
Intercom Series D Customer communications platform.
Ionic Series A Cross-platform mobile SDK and builds.
Jam Series A One click bug reports.
JetBrains bootstrapped Software development tools.
JFrog public DevOps deployment tools.
Kestra seed Declarative data orchestration.
Kinde seed Authentication-as-a-service.
Klaviyo public Customer data and marketing automation.
Klu pre-seed Large language model app platform.
Knock Series A Notifications infrastructure.
Knot Series A APIs for online financial accounts.
Kolide Series B IT device security and compliance.
Komodor Series B Kubernetes monitoring and troubleshooting.
Kong Series E Platform for building and operating APIs.
Koyeb pre-seed Quick deploy serverless platform.
LabelBox Series D Data platform for building LLMs.
Lago Series A Open source usage-based billing infrastructure.
Lakera Series A Generative AI security.
LambdaTest Series D Cross-browser testing.
LanceDB seed Database for multimodal data.
LangChain Series A Framework to build and operate LLM apps.
Langfuse seed Open source observability for large language models.
LaunchDarkly Series D Feature and release management.
Liblab Series A SDK generation for APIs.
Lightning AI Series B Cloud IDE for AI application development.
Linear Series B Product development planning.
LiveKit Series A Real-time video, audio and data APIs.
LllamaIndex Series A LLM applications framework.
LocalStack Series A Local AWS development environment.
LogicLoop seed Alerts and notifications for data.
LogRocket Series B Performance monitoring, session playback and analytics. Series E Cloud observability platform.
Lokalise Series B Continuous language translation for websites and mobile apps.
Lovable seed App creation and coding by prompting.
Lumigo Series A Microservices tracing and debugging. seed API gateway.
Mapbox Series E Location and mapping data.
Marqo Series A Vector database and vector search engine API.
Martian seed LLM router.
Matillion Series E Data pipeline management.
Memgraph seed Optimized Neo4j-compatible graph database.
Merge Series A HR, recruiting, and accounting API integration.
Mergify pre-seed Faster and safer code merging for developers.
Metabase Series B Open source analytics for company data.
Metaplane Series A Data observability.
Metronome Series C Usage-based billing API.
Mintlify Series A Technical documentation.
Miradore private equity Mobile Device Management for hardware.
Mistral AI Series B Large language models.
Mixpanel Series C Self-serve product analytics.
Modal Series A Serverless AI model infrastructure.
Modular Series B Machine learning and AI infrastructure.
Moesif Series A API analytics.
Momento seed Real-time data infrastructure.
MongoDB public Open source NoSQL document database.
Monster API pre-seed Fine-tuning and deployment for LLMs.
Mostly AI Series B Synthetic data.
Motif Analytics seed Sequence analytics and visualizations.
Multiplayer seed Software architecture documentation.
MutableAI seed AI code generation.
Mux Series D Video streaming APIs.
n8n Series A Low-code workflows.
Nango pre-seed Platform for shipping code integrations.
Nanonets Series B Workflow automation.
Neo4j Series F Graph database.
Neon Series B Fully-managed PostgreSQL relational databases. Series A MLOps for AI experiments.
Netlify Series D Developer platform to build, deploy and host web apps.
New Relic private equity Application monitoring & infrastructure observability.
Ngrok Series A API-first ingress-as-a-service localhost tunneling.
Not Diamond seed LLM model router.
Nullstone pre-seed Deployment automation.
Nx Series A Build system for monorepos.
Nylas Series C APIs for email, calendar and contacts providers.
Objective seed AI-native search-as-a-service.
Observe Series B Infrastructure monitoring and observing.
Octomind seed Automated end-to-end software testing.
Octopus Deploy Series A Deployment automation and metrics.
Ollama pre-seed Easily run open weights LLMs.
OmniAI seed Analytics for unstructured data.
Onehouse Series B Data lakehouse.
OpenAI Series F Developing AI models, accessible through APIs.
Openlayer seed AI prompt and modeling alerting.
OpenMeter seed Usage-based billing infrastructure.
OpenPipe seed Data capture, AI model training and deployment.
OpenSauced acquired Open source metrics.
Orb Series B Usage-based billing infrastructure.
Ory Series A User authentication infrastructure-as-a-service.
Oso Series A Distributed authorization service.
OurSky seed Developer APIs for space data.
P0 Security Series A Secure cloud access for developers and applications.
PagerDuty public Infrastructure incident management.
Parea pre-seed LLM test and evaluation.
PartyKit seed Open source deployment platform for real-time applications.
PeerDB acquired PostgreSQL replication. Series A Authorization-as-a-service.
Persona Series C Identity management and verification.
Pinecone Series B Hosted vector database for AI search applications.
Pipedream Series A Easier multi-API connection with code.
Plaid Series D APIs for financial transactions.
PlanetScale Series C MySQL-compatible serverless database platform. Series D Platform-as-a-service.
Ploomber seed Cloud platform for data scientists.
Pngme Series A Financial data sharing and analysis.
Polar Signals seed Infrastructure instrumentation and profiling.
PopSQL Series A Collaborative SQL editor for teams.
Port Series B Open source internal developer portal.
Portkey seed AI app gateway with observability.
PostHog Series B Product analytics.
Postman Series D API platform for building and using APIs.
Postmark Series C Email API.
Predibase Series A Fine-tune and serve LLMs.
Prefab bootstrapped Feature flags.
Prefect Series B Workflow orchestration for machine learning.
Prem AI seed Hosted AI models with privacy focus.
Preset Series B Data analysis and visualization based on Apache Superset.
Prismatic Series B Product code integrations.
Prismic Series A Headless content management system (CMS) and tooling.
Promptfoo seed LLM prompt evaluation and security.
PromptLayer seed Prompt engineering collaboration and evaluation.
Propel Data seed API platform for building customer-facing analytics.
PropelAuth seed Authentication infrastructure-as-a-service.
Prowler seed Open source cloud security.
PubNub Series E In-app chat and communications.
Pulumi Series C Open source infrastructure as code.
Pusher acquired Communication and collaboration feature APIs.
Pynt seed API security testing.
Qdrant Series A Vector database.
Qodo Series A LLM-based code generation.
Qovery seed Cloud infrastructure automation.
QuestDB Series A Open source time series database.
Ragie seed Managed retrieval augmented generation-as-a-service.
Railway Series A Infrastructure-as-a-service for app deployments.
Rapid acquired Web API gateway.
Raven seed Transactional message coordination.
ReadMe Series A API documentation and community tools.
Redis Series G Key-value pair data store.
Redocly seed Hosted API documentation.
Redpanda Series C Data streaming platform.
Refuel seed Data enhancement with LLMs.
Render Series C Cloud infrastructure.
Replay Series A Web browser for reproducing bugs.
Replicate Series B Platform for running and fine-tuning machine learning models.
Replicated Series C Kubernetes application deployments.
Replit Series C Collaborative coding and application hosting.
Rescale Series C Computing infrastructure for engineering and R&D.
Resemble AI Series A Voice cloning and detection.
Resend Series A Email API for developers.
Restate seed Workflows and services orchestration.
Retell AI seed AI voice agents.
Retool Series C Reusable components for internal enterprise web apps.
RevenueCat Series C Subscription payment infrastructure.
Rig pre-seed Application platform for Kubernetes.
Rill seed Data dashboards.
Riza pre-seed Isolated runtime for AI-generated apps.
Roboflow Series B Computer vision as-a-service.
Rockset acquired Real-time analytics database.
Rollbar Series B Error monitoring and remediation.
RunPod seed GPU cloud infrastructure.
Sanity Series C Cloud hosting platform for content.
Sauce Labs private equity Automated, continuous software testing.
ScyllaDB Series C NoSQL distributed performance data store.
Seldon Series B MLOps and machine learning platform.
Select Star Series A Data discovery platform.
Semaphore bootstrapped Continuous integration and delivery.
Sematic seed Continuous machine learning platform.
Semgrep Series D Code security tools.
Sentry Series E Open source error tracking and observability.
Sequin seed Messaging stream for API integrations.
Shoreline Series B Observability aggregation and issue identification.
Sieve seed Hosted AI models-as-a-service.
Sigma Series D Data analytics and visualization.
SingleStore Series F Distributed database with SQL queries.
Sleuth Series A Continuous delivery metrics and control software.
Snowplow Series B Data creation and common schemas.
Snyk Series F Security analysis and vulnerability mitigation.
Socket Series B Open source supply chain vulnerability scanning.
Soda Series A Data quality platform.
Sonar Series B Clean code tools.
Sourcegraph Series D Source code search.
Spacelift Series B Infrastructure-as-code management system.
Speakeasy Series A SDK generation and API tools.
Speechmatics Series B Speech-to-text APIs.
Split acquired Feature flags and related experiments for software.
StackBlitz Series B Browser-based collaborative editor.
Stacker Series A Low code/no code custom software.
StackHawk Series B Application security testing.
Stainless Series A Web API SDK generators.
Starburst Series D Data source connection and querying.
Statsig Series B Product analytics and experimentation.
Steadybit Series A Chaos engineering tools.
Stoplight Series A Web API design and documentation.
Storyblok Series C Headless content management system (CMS).
Strapi Series A Open source headless content management system (CMS).
Stream Series B Stream makes it easy to add chat and messaging to applications.
Stream.Security Series B Cloud infrastructure security modeling and detection.
Streamkap seed Real-time data pipelines.
Stripe Series H Payment processing platform.
Stytch Series B Authentication API.
Sublime Security Series B Email security.
Substrate seed AI inferencing infrastructure.
Supabase Series C Open source Firebase alternative. Backend infrastructure.
SuperAGI Series A Open source AI infrastructure.
Superb AI Series C Automated training data platform.
Superblocks Series A Low-code platform for internal applications.
Supermaven acquired Coding copilot.
Supersimple pre-seed Self-service analytics dashboards for SaaS companies.
SuperTokens pre-seed Open source user authentication.
Surge AI Series A Data labeling and reinforcement learning platform.
SurrealDB Series A Database.
Svix seed Webhooks as a service.
Swarmia seed Software development metrics.
Swimm Series A Documentation creation tools. Series A Real-time conversation intelligence infrastructure.
Sysdig Series G Cloud security.
System Initiative Series A DevOps visualization and config tool.
Tabnine acquired AI code assistant.
Tailscale Series B Zero configuration VPN.
Talc AI seed Automated testing for AI models.
Tecton Series C Machine learning pipelines and deployment.
Tembo Series A PostgreSQL developer platform.
Temporal Series B Open source framework for building fault-tolerant applications.
Tessell Series A Database platform-as-a-service.
testRigor seed Functional user interface regression and exploratory testing.
Tggl bootstrapped Feature flags-as-a-service.
TigerBeetle Series A Database built for financial data.
TigerGraph Series C Graph database.
TileDB Series B Multimodal database.
Timescale Series C Open source time-series database and hosting service.
Tines Series C Workflow and process automation.
Tinybird Series B Developer tools for building data products over analytical data.
Togai acquired Usage-based billing infrastructure.
Together AI Series B Cloud platform to train, fine-tune, and deploy AI models. pre-seed Background jobs framework.
Turso seed SQLite for production.
Twilio public APIs for communications.
Twingate Series B Zero trust network access.
Tyk Series B API gateway and security. pre-seed API for building customer integrations.
Unify seed LLM router.
Unleash Series A Feature flags as a service.
Unsloth pre-seed Fine-tune and train LLMs.
Unstructured Series B Data extraction, transformation and loading for LLMs.
Upstash Series A Serverless data platform.
Userfront seed Authorization and identity for SaaS.
UserHub seed SaaS billing platform for end users.
Vantage Series A Cloud cost optimization.
Vapi Series A Build, test and deploy voice agents.
Vectara Series A RAG-as-a-service.
Vectorize seed Transform unstructured data into vector indexes.
VectorShift seed No code / low code app builder.
Velvet pre-seed Store LLM data for analysis and optimization.
Vercel Series E Frontend development and deployment platform.
Vespa Series A Open source text search engine.
Veza Series C Authorization platform for data.
vFunction Series A Tools to refactor monoliths into microservices.
Video SDK seed Real-time video infrastructure for web and mobile.
Vocode seed Open source voice agents.
Voiceflow Series B AI agent creation.
Vonage acquired Communications APIs.
Voxel51 Series B Dev tools for machine learning.
Voyage AI acquired Embeddings and retrieval models.
Warp Series B Faster terminal interface with autocomplete.
WarpStream acquired Apache Kafka-compatible streaming platform.
Weaviate Series B Open-source vector database.
Webflow Series C Website generation.
WhyLabs Series A Machine learning observability.
WireMock seed API mocking and testing.
WorkOS Series B Enterprise features as a service.
XetHub acquired Training data collaboration.
Yugabyte Series C Open source distributed SQL database.
Zama Series A Open source cryptography.
Zapier bootstrapped No code automation platform for APIs.
Zed Series A Open source code editor.
Zilliz Series B Vector database.

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Companies by stage (pie chart)