Plushcap roadmap

Active work on Plushcap is divided into three areas:

  1. Content: adding new companies, showing analyzed company data, and creating explainer videos
  2. Infrastructure: building new features, and handling back end data collection
  3. User requests: anything requested by users, which typically overlaps with content and infrastructure

Q3 2024: Competitive Analysis

July - Sept 2024 Roadmap Priorities


  • ✅ Apply at least one competitive space to every company in Plushcap.
  • Create 10+ useful competitive space pages, such as API documentation
  • Expand from initial data to full data for 150+ companies, up from 50 companies in Q1.


  • Create many new pages and visualizations for comparing companies across competitive spaces
  • Split data collection infrastructure from core app to make everything easier to update

User requests

  • Email notifications when something particularly interesting happens

Q2 2024: All the Companies!

April - June (Q2) 2024 Priorities


  • ✅ Expand data tracking to 400+ companies, up from 300 in at the end of April.
  • ✅ Begin to backfill full analysis for all companies (hundreds left so will be ongoing for a long time to come)


  • ✅ Easy CSV exports for as much data as possible for logged-in users
  • ✅ API access for as much data as possible for logged-in users

User requests

  • ❌ Email notifications when something particularly interesting happens (need better user account and events handling)

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.