
Companies competing in Real-time data infrastructure

company description stage
Ably Realtime application infrastructure. private (series B)
Aerospike NoSQL low latency data store. private (series E)
CData Real-time data sync. private (series C)
ClickHouse Column-oriented datastore. private (series B)
Confluent Apache Kafka hosting and tooling. public (NASDAQ: CFLT)
DeltaStream Event stream processing. private (series A)
Ditto Cross-platform device data sync. private (series A)
Imply Database for analytics applications with Druid. private (series D)
LiveKit Real-time video, audio and data APIs. private (series A)
Momento Real-time data infrastructure. private (seed)
PartyKit Open source deployment platform for real-time applications. private (seed)
PubNub In-app chat and communications. private (series E)
Pusher Communication and collaboration feature APIs. acquired
Redis Key-value pair data store. private (series G)
Redpanda Data streaming platform. private (series C)
Streamkap Real-time data pipelines. private (seed)
WarpStream Apache Kafka-compatible streaming platform. acquired

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.