115 Hacker News submissions by month with at least  points since the start of

115 submissions with 1 points or greater

HN Points HN Title (Links to original post) Submitted Date
528 People leave managers, not companies 2018-01-24
246 The Orange Juice Test (1985) 2018-08-09
210 The “Run Less Software” philosophy 2018-03-26
165 Great product managers don’t spend their time on solutions 2018-05-26
114 Switching from Sketch to Figma 2020-03-25
83 Product Strategy in the Age of AI 2023-10-05
66 What we can learn from Google Plus (2014) 2021-08-13
58 Atlassian built a $20B dollar company with no sales team 2019-03-21
54 There are no small changes (2011) 2017-04-16
35 Shipping is your company’s heartbeat (2013) 2017-09-23
23 We fixed our on call process to avoid engineer burnout 2019-10-20
18 LLM powered Chat is the new UI 2023-08-10
17 Intercom IPs blacklisted by Spamhaus 2018-06-18
12 Evolving Intercom's Database Infrastructure 2024-10-14
11 The Evolution of Ember.js at Intercom 2020-03-09
11 How Intercom got our first customers 2017-12-12
10 How Intercom built their interview process to be personal and transparent 2018-03-29
9 How to Steal Like a Designer 2021-02-17
9 Product Judgment: How some people can repeatedly create product success 2020-06-10
9 Making the transition from consultant to product engineer 2018-06-03
7 Dribbble CEO Zack Onisko on building a business around community 2018-04-12
6 Engineering a Culture of Psychological Safety 2020-04-06
6 Putting $125M to work for you, our customers 2018-03-27
5 How Intercom applies ML in product development 2020-10-13
5 Intercom’s New AI Features 2023-01-31
5 Build Boring Software 2020-07-21
5 Intercom publishes growth and revenue metrics 2017-02-22
4 Why ‘mobile first’ may already be outdated 2017-04-27
4 Intercom Launched a New Website 2024-04-11
4 Quality is fractal 2018-12-13
4 Ingredients to build a product first company 2017-12-16
4 Engineering a culture of psychological safety 2017-10-31
4 Vanity metrics, the future, and 100,000 thank yous 2017-02-23
3 Reducing the Intercom Messenger bundle size by 65% 2019-07-19
3 Blind co-founder Kyum Kim on the hidden power of anonymity 2022-07-05
3 Intercom on Product: Keeping the momentum going as you scale 2021-08-22
3 How marketing helped Segment go from 6 months runway to a $1.5B valuation 2019-04-12
3 Intercom – Future of business messaging 2018-04-16
3 The minimum viable product design portfolio 2017-08-29
3 Why SMS isn't going anywhere 2017-01-24
2 Intercom Incident Report for 2017-01-19 outage 2017-01-20
2 Intercom launches AI chat bot powered by GPT-4 2023-03-15
2 Companies with ultra growth socializing their blueprint like Intercom? 2021-05-19
2 Intercom Copilot: copilot for customer support 2024-04-10
2 Behavioral economics expert on unlocking the science of consumer behavior 2023-05-04
2 Intercom Dropping Twitter Integration 2023-04-13
2 Difference between good and great engineers 2023-02-24
2 How our infrastructure scales alongside our customers 2022-05-26
2 Calm’s Will Larson on how to build a technical leadership career 2021-05-01
2 10 technical strategies to avoid when scaling your startup (and 5 to embrace) 2021-01-16
2 New Features to Supercharge Your Customer Support 2020-08-12
2 How much of the average mobile app design is text? 36% 2020-01-22
2 The Dribbblisation of Design 2019-07-24
2 The key to having impact as an engineer? Empathy 2019-05-21
2 How to build a billion dollar sales team like Stripe 2019-04-04
2 Why CMOs Fail 2019-03-28
2 Making things people want 2019-02-09
2 Video Bots: The future of sales automation 2018-08-31
2 Engineering more leaders 2018-07-20
2 Use exploratory research to keep innovative teams going 2018-05-27
2 Product strategy means saying no 2018-05-02
2 Intercom on Marketing 2018-01-09
2 The pains of growing a platform 2017-12-30
2 The pains of growing a platform 2017-11-20
2 The hidden cost of design complexity 2017-11-15
2 The cult of conversational design 2017-10-11
2 Shipping code isn’t just for engineers. It’s for designers too 2017-07-31
2 Great PMs don’t spend their time on solutions 2017-05-15
2 How we convinced everyone to care about technical performance 2017-05-09
2 The full stack design system 2017-04-04
2 Growth Hacking is bullshit 2017-03-23
2 What voice UI is good for (and what it isn’t) 2017-03-22
2 Why voice will be the dominant chatbot interface 2017-02-07
2 High Imact 1:1 Meetings 2017-01-31
1 Run Less Software 2023-09-12
1 What we look for when we hire designers at Intercom 2020-03-03
1 Understanding AI: How we taught computers natural language 2023-11-30
1 Shipping is your company's heartbeat (2013) 2023-10-18
1 Prioritising Features: Who'll Use It and How Often? (2012) 2022-10-20
1 Product engineers can make an impact outside the code editor 2022-07-25
1 Follow fundamentals to leave room for innovation 2022-05-09
1 Infrastructure at speed: 5 lessons learned from building Intercom in Europe 2022-02-21
1 Shipping fast and safe: Building a culture of iterative delivery 2021-08-29
1 Product strategy means saying no (2013) 2021-08-15
1 Redesigning our job levels for designers 2021-07-13
1 One for the Roadmap (Des Traynor and Paul Adams, Intercom) [audio] 2020-10-05
1 Should Engineering Managers Write Code? 2020-05-26
1 Software Delivery in Challenging Times 2020-04-09
1 How we manage critical incidents at Intercom 2019-07-16
1 We used DynamoDB Streams to visualize changes in frequently updated objects 2019-05-21
1 Intercom on Product [audio] 2019-04-30
1 Intercom Adds Product Tours 2019-04-23
1 Intercom launched a new feature today today: Account Based Marketing 2019-03-27
1 We fixed our on call process to avoid engineer burnout 2019-02-16
1 Move fast and optimize for the long term 2018-11-15
1 Intercom's guide to live chat for businesses 2018-11-06
1 We killed the blog. We hope you like it 2018-10-02
1 RICE: Simple prioritization for product managers 2018-09-20
1 The Growth Handbook by Intercom 2018-06-27
1 Rapid response: how we fixed our on call process to avoid engineer burnout 2018-05-21
1 C.A.R.E. – a simple framework for user onboarding 2018-02-23
1 Solving Fifty Shades of Blue, or how we built our design system 2018-01-11
1 Making some wiggle room for engineering innovations 2018-01-09
1 Intercom on the product implications of AI and machine learning 2017-12-07
1 The power of payback periods in online advertising 2017-09-19
1 On maintaining simplicity at scale 2017-07-21
1 Engineering with empathy 2017-05-16
1 Speakeasy – build better better mock servers for mobile 2017-05-03
1 It’s time for designers to get comfortable with being uncomfortable 2017-04-27
1 Intercom on Starting Up 2017-04-19
1 What to do when nobody is using your feature 2017-03-24
1 Intercom for Early Stage 2017-02-27
1 An engineer’s take on dominant design 2017-02-20
1 The Intercom Messaging Starter Kit 2017-02-14
1 Launch mode vs. iterate mode 2017-01-04