
Founded in 2021. Privately Held.

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Code review automation in Slack.

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66 total blog posts published.

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Blog content

post title author published words HN
Ultimate Guide to Git Commit Message Templates: Best Practices and Examples Sydney Cohen Jul. 03, 2024 4922 -
How Axolo helps Prepared save lives Sydney Cohen Jul. 03, 2023 583 -
50+ Best Slack apps for developers in 2024 Sydney Cohen Jan. 23, 2024 3250 -
How to implement the Four Key Accelerate DevOps Metrics in 2024 Arthur Coudouy Feb. 26, 2024 1103 -
How Irwin went from building its own Slack bot to relying on Axolo for their code reviews Arthur Coudouy Aug. 09, 2023 915 -
Open Current GitHub Pull Requests from Your Terminal: Step-by-Step Guide for iTerm and Zsh Sydney Cohen May. 04, 2023 389 -
Top 5 GitHub Slack Integrations in 2024 Sydney Cohen Feb. 27, 2024 1629 -
Streamline Your Pull Request Journey With a Merge Queue Hugo Escafit Oct. 03, 2023 1696 -
How to dynamically generate an og banner image for your next.js app Arthur Coudouy May. 23, 2023 944 -
Axolo changelog - March 2023 Arthur Coudouy Mar. 31, 2023 319 -
4 Gitlab integrations every developer should know in 2023 Arthur Coudouy Jan. 05, 2023 1184 -
Best three GitHub pull request Microsoft Teams Integration Sydney Cohen Oct. 10, 2023 1165 -
Understanding GitHub Enterprise Cost: A Comprehensive Guide to GitHub Enterprise Server Pricing Arthur Coudouy Oct. 12, 2023 1637 -
Allow subscribing to new/merged/closed PRs separately #519 (Solved) Sydney Cohen Sep. 12, 2023 642 -
GitHub pull request template Arthur Coudouy Jul. 03, 2023 1370 -
5 reasons why your team sucks at reviewing pull requests Arthur Coudouy Feb. 03, 2023 1398 -
Understand and improve change failure rate in 2024 Arthur Coudouy Apr. 10, 2024 1660 -
GitLab webhook retries, and user search in private conversations, with improvements in security, error handling, and various bug fixes for GitLab, Slack, among others. Arthur Coudouy Jan. 31, 2023 420 -
How to set up GitHub Enterprise Server on Azure (for dummy's) Arthur Coudouy Jun. 08, 2023 778 -
Changelog writer GPT and how we automate our changelogs with Axolo Arthur Coudouy Feb. 19, 2024 653 -
Top 3 GitHub Enterprise Server and Slack Integrations in 2023 Arthur Coudouy Jul. 03, 2023 503 -
How Agency Analytics reduced PR cycle time by 65% with Axolo Sydney Cohen May. 16, 2023 1042 -
Top 10 Code Smells to Identify in Pull Requests with Code Examples Sydney Cohen Mar. 09, 2023 2110 -
7 steps to create an effective code review guideline Arthur Coudouy Mar. 23, 2023 1402 -
Streamline PR Management with Axolo: Notification Channels and PR-Specific Channels Sydney Cohen Oct. 18, 2023 533 -
Axolo changelog - December 2023 Arthur Coudouy Jan. 01, 2024 311 -
Setup GitLab Slack notifications for self managed instances in 2023 Arthur Coudouy Apr. 04, 2023 1322 -
Why the official GitHub Slack integration is outdated Arthur Coudouy May. 08, 2023 824 -
Debugging the PR Process, Code Reviews and Merges with Julien Danjou (Mergify), Sydney Cohen (Axolo) Sydney Cohen Dec. 12, 2023 559 -
Code Review Security Checklist Sydney Cohen Jan. 23, 2024 1932 -
Battling Code Review Fatigue and Stale Pull Requests with Axolo Arthur Coudouy Sep. 20, 2023 1442 -
CTO checklist: scaling your engineering team Arthur Coudouy Sep. 26, 2023 2247 -
Preparing Your SaaS for SOC-2 in 2023: Essential Features to Start Building Today Arthur Coudouy Sep. 04, 2023 2557 -
Best Slack Standup Bot for engineering teams Sydney Cohen Sep. 13, 2023 822 -
Key Slack Statistics in 2024 Sydney Cohen Mar. 12, 2024 1000 -
Improving Developer Onboarding: Best Practices and Checklist for 2023 Arthur Coudouy Aug. 22, 2023 2507 -
How to Set Up GitHub Actions Notifications in Slack: A 2023 Guide for Engineers Arthur Coudouy Mar. 29, 2023 759 -
How to integrate GitLab with Microsoft Teams Arthur Coudouy Nov. 21, 2023 1506 -
The Art and Joy of Rubber-Stamping Pull Requests Sydney Cohen Jun. 27, 2023 452 -
GitHub Slack Integration Sydney Cohen Jul. 17, 2023 4551 -
Axolo changelog - July/August 2023 Arthur Coudouy Sep. 01, 2023 343 -
8 ways you can integrate ChatGPT in your workflow to increase developer productivity Sydney Cohen Aug. 16, 2023 1957 -
Building Rippling and Beyond: Prasanna Sankar Insights on Tech Entrepreneurship Sydney Cohen May. 20, 2024 846 -
Axolo changelog - June 2023 Arthur Coudouy Jul. 01, 2023 290 -
JS code coverage tool in 2023 - Istanbul vs Jest vs JS Coverage vs CodeCov Sydney Cohen Jul. 28, 2023 2614 -
Axolo changelog - November 2023 Arthur Coudouy Dec. 01, 2023 174 -
Managing Stacked PRs Sydney Cohen Nov. 10, 2023 1125 -
Axolo joins Slack' Future of Work incubator to help developers review pull requests Arthur Coudouy Feb. 13, 2023 556 -
Axolo changelog - July 2024 Arthur Coudouy Jul. 01, 2024 324 -
GitLab code review best practices in 2024 Arthur Coudouy Feb. 09, 2024 1554 -
7 key management takeaways from David Heinemeier Hansson Sydney Cohen Apr. 01, 2024 2227 -
Axolo changelog - March 2024 Arthur Coudouy Apr. 01, 2024 414 -
Pros and Cons: Building vs Buying Your GitHub Slack Integration Bot Sydney Cohen Apr. 18, 2023 683 -
Building Better Software and Teams: Insights from Travis CI's Co-founder Sydney Cohen Apr. 26, 2024 935 -
Coding style template for developers in 2023 Arthur Coudouy Aug. 29, 2023 2430 -
The Evolution of DevOps: Trends and Innovations Arthur Coudouy Jan. 04, 2024 1819 -
Setting up a reverse proxy server for fixed IP address on Digital Ocean Sydney Cohen May. 31, 2023 1259 -
Improved onboarding, GitLab handling, and bug fixes, including a new queue system and test account, better error handling, and internal tools for support and analytics. Arthur Coudouy Jan. 31, 2023 220 -
Pull Request vs. Merge Request: Understanding the Distinctions for Optimal GitHub and GitLab Usage Arthur Coudouy Jul. 05, 2023 1587 -
Axolo changelog - September/October 2023 Arthur Coudouy Nov. 01, 2023 175 -
Axolo changelog - May 2023 Arthur Coudouy May. 24, 2023 540 -
8 key takeaways from Tim Glaser, CTO of PostHog Sydney Cohen Jan. 23, 2023 547 -
Developer experience survey template to improve your engineering processes Arthur Coudouy Jul. 04, 2023 1079 -
The Ultimate Guide to Incident Report Templates: Examples, Tips, and Best Practices Sydney Cohen Aug. 07, 2024 3001 -
Axolo changelog - September/October 2023 Arthur Coudouy Nov. 01, 2023 175 -
Comprehensive AI Code Review Guide: Top 5 Tools to Automate and Improve Your Code Quality Arthur Coudouy Sep. 05, 2024 2670 -

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.