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Companies by stage

company name analyzed? description stage
AssemblyAI yes Speech AI models via a web API. private (series C)
Twilio yes APIs for communications. public (NYSE: TWLO)
Stream no Stream makes it easy to add chat and messaging to applications. private (series B)
Taloflow yes Software buying recommendations. private (seed)
Herald no APIs for commercial insurance. private (seed)
Infracost no Cloud spending cost estimates. private (seed)
Moesif no API analytics. private (series A)
Replicated no Kubernetes application deployments. private (series C)
Detectify no Security vulnerability scanning, surface monitoring and white hat hacking. private (series B)
Clarifai no Machine learning API to transform unstructured data into structured data. private (series C)
Esper no Android device fleet management platform. private (series C)
Sentry no Error tracking, monitoring and observability based on open source code. private (series E)
MongoDB yes Open source NoSQL document database. public (NASDAQ: MDB)
Cockroach Labs yes Distributed SQL database. private (series F)
DigitalOcean no Cloud computing services and infrastructure. public (NYSE: DOCN)
Unity Technologies no Game creation engine and platform. public (NYSE: U)
LaunchDarkly yes Feature flags and deployment management. private (series D)
Supabase no Open source Firebase alternative. Backend infrastructure. private (series B)
SuperTokens no Open source user authentication. private (pre-seed)
Airbyte yes Open source data integration and pipeline. private (series B)
Select Star no Data discovery platform. private (series A)
Snyk no Security analysis and vulnerability mitigation for software developers. private (series F)
Heap no Digital analytics. acquired
Agora yes Developer platform for voice, video, messaging and streaming. public (NASDAQ: API)
Mixpanel no Self-serve product analytics. private (series C)
Datadog yes Application monitoring, security and observability. public (NASDAQ: DDOG)
Cloudflare yes Content delivery network and web app infrastructure. public (NYSE: NET)
Symbl.ai yes Real-time conversation intelligence infrastructure. private (series A)
Fivetran yes Data extraction, loading and transformation pipelines. private (series D)
Rollbar no Error monitoring and remediation. private (series B)
Miradore no Cloud-based Mobile Device Management (MDM) for hardware devices. private (private equity)
Bandwidth yes Communications platform-as-a-service. public (NASDAQ: BAND)
Stripe no Payment processing platform. private (series H)
InfluxData yes Creators of time series database InfluxDB. private (series E)
HashiCorp yes Open source cloud infrastructure for deployment and security. public (NASDAQ: HCP)
PagerDuty no Software and platform for digital operations and incident management. public (NYSE: PD)
Deepgram yes Low quality transcription API. private (series B)
Bird no Communications platform-as-a-service (PaaS). private (series C)
Rapid no Developer platform for discovering and using thousands of APIs. private (series D)
Timescale yes Open source time-series database and hosting service. private (series C)
Postman no API platform for building and using APIs. private (series D)
Elastic no Open source search solutions. public (NYSE: ESTC)
Buildkite yes Continuous integration pipeline platform. private (series A)
Split no Feature flags and related experiments for software. private (series D)
Pngme no Financial data sharing and analysis. private (series A)
Stacker no Low code/no code custom software. private (series A)
Nylas no APIs for email, calendar and contacts providers. private (series C)
Roboflow no Computer vision as-a-service. private (series A)
Svix yes Webhooks as a service. private (seed)
Klaviyo no Customer data and marketing automation platform. public (NYSE: KVYO)
Modern Treasury no Payment operations solutions for automating money movement. private (series C)
Netlify yes Developer platform to build, deploy and host web app front-ends. private (series D)
Merge no API to integrate with HR, recruiting, accounting, and related platforms. private (series A)
PlanetScale yes MySQL-compatible serverless database platform. private (series C)
Logz.io no Cloud observability platform. private (series E)
Gremlin no Enterprise chaos engineering platform. private (series B)
Tinybird no Developer tools for building data products over analytical data. private (series A)
Carto no Spatial data analysis platform. private (series C)
Lokalise no Continuous language translation for websites and mobile apps. private (series B)
Superb AI no Automated training data platform. private (series A)
Stoplight no Web API design and documentation. private (series A)
Checkr no Background checks and personal data lookup infrastructure. private (series E)
LogRocket no Performance monitoring, session playback and product analytics. private (series B)
Arize no Machine learning model observability. private (series A)
Spacelift yes Infrastructure-as-code management system. private (series B)
Vercel yes Frontend development and deployment platform. private (series D)
Gatsby no React-based website and web app infrastructure. acquired
Sourcegraph no Source code search. private (series D)
Sleuth no Continuous delivery metrics and control software. private (series A)
Metabase no Open source analytics for company data. private (series B)
Humanitec yes Self-service internal developer infrastructure. private (seed)
Preset no Data analysis and visualization based on Apache Superset. private (series B)
Airplane yes Developer platform for internal tools. acquired
Comet no Machine learning model lifecycle management and monitoring. private (series B)
StackHawk no Application security testing. private (series B)
AutoCloud no Consistent & compliant DevOps for organizations. private (seed)
testRigor no Functional user interface regression and exploratory testing. private (seed)
Archera no Cloud cost control. private (series A)
BrowserStack yes App and browser device simulation testing. private (series B)
QuestDB no Open source time series database. private (series A)
Propelo no Developer productivity metrics. acquired
PubNub no In-app chat and communications. private (series E)
Aiven yes Managed open source cloud data platform. private (series D)
Socket no Open source supply chain vulnerability scanning. private (series A)
Komodor no Kubernetes monitoring and troubleshooting. private (series B)
Circle yes Payments infrastructure via blockchain. private (private equity)
Imply no Database for analytics applications with Druid. private (series D)
Tailscale no Zero configuration VPN. private (series B)
Apollo no GraphQL platform. private (series D)
dbt no Data transformation. private (series D)
Pipedream no Easier multi-API connection with code. private (series A)
Koyeb no Quick deploy serverless platform. private (pre-seed)
Cohere no Natural language processing as a service. private (series B)
Mergify no Faster and safer code merging for developers. private (pre-seed)
WorkOS no Enterprise features as a service. private (series B)
Algolia no Search API as a service. private (series D)
Yugabyte no Open source distributed SQL database. private (series C)
Code Ocean no Computational research platform. private (series B)
Platform.sh no Platform-as-a-service. private (series D)
Ethyca no Privacy as a service. private (series A)
Unleash no Feature flags as a service. private (series A)
Intercom no Customer communications platform. private (series D)
Bodo yes Parallel computation for data analytics. private (series A)
Datafold no Data observability and quality issue mitigation. private (series A)
Propel Data yes API platform for building customer-facing analytics. private (seed)
Gretel.ai yes Synthetic data creation. private (series B)
Snowplow no Data creation and common schemas. private (series B)
GitGuardian no Code security. private (series B)
Bump yes API creation tools. private (pre-seed)
Stashpad no Organized notepad for developers. private (pre-seed)
Retool yes Reusable components for internal enterprise web apps. private (series C)
Doppler yes Secret environment variables syncing and security. private (series A)
Finmark no Financial planning and modeling software for startups. acquired
Speechmatics yes Speech-to-text APIs. private (series B)
Daily yes WebRTC-based APIs for video and audio app development. private (series B)
Plaid yes APIs for financial transactions. private (series D)
Bubble yes Low code / no code application builder. private (series A)
100ms yes Video conferencing and live streaming APIs. private (series A)
Lacework no Code and cloud infrastructure security. private (series D)
Veza yes Authorization platform for data. private (series C)
Courier yes Developer infrastructure for product notifications. private (series B)
CoreWeave no GPU cloud provider. private (private equity)
Ngrok no API-first ingress-as-a-service localhost tunneling. private (series A)
Sematic no Continuous machine learning platform. private (seed)
Ably yes Realtime application infrastructure. private (series B)
Flightcontrol no Platform-as-a-service on AWS. private (pre-seed)
Kolide no IT device security and compliance. private (series B)
Hookdeck no Reliable webhook infrastructure. private (seed)
Clearbit no Go-to-market intelligence data and APIs. acquired
Starburst no Data source connection and querying. private (series D)
PopSQL no Collaborative SQL editor for teams. private (series A)
Fly.io yes Edge-based application infrasturcture. private (series C)
Grafana Labs no Operational dashboards for data. private (series D)
FusionAuth no Authentication and authorization service. private (series A)
Render no Cloud infrastructure. private (series A)
Octopus Deploy no Deployment automation and metrics. private (series A)
Stream.Security no Cloud infrastructure security modeling and detection. private (series A)
JFrog no DevOps deployment tools. public (NASDAQ: FROG)
Sauce Labs yes Automated, continuous software testing. private (private equity)
LambdaTest yes Cross-browser testing. private (series C)
SingleStore no Distributed database with SQL queries. private (series F)
Replit no Collaborative coding and application hosting. private (series C)
Chameleon yes In-product walkthroughs and analytics. private (series A)
Confluent yes Apache Kafka hosting and tooling. public (NASDAQ: CFLT)
Swimm no Documentation creation tools. private (series A)
Rescale no Computing infrastructure for engineering and R&D. private (series C)
Couchbase no Distributed NoSQL data store. private (series G)
Neo4j no Graph database. private (series F)
TigerGraph no Graph database. private (series C)
ChaosSearch no Data indexing for input into analytics. private (series B)
GitLab no Software development platform for teams. public (NASDAQ: GTLB)
Convoy no Webhooks proxy. private (pre-seed)
Harness no Software development platform for teams. private (series D)
Crowdstrike no Cybersecurity products. public (NASDAQ: CRWD)
Dynatrace no Infrastructure monitoring and security. public (NYSE: DT)
ClickHouse yes Column-oriented datastore. private (series B)
Wappalyzer no Website technology analysis. private (seed)
Persona no Identity management and verification. private (series C)
Tyk no API gateway and security. private (series B)
PostHog no Product analytics. private (series B)
Ploomber no Cloud platform for data scientists. private (seed)
Sonar yes Clean code tools. private (series B)
mobile.dev no Cloud-based mobile app test automation. private (pre-seed)
Blobr no E-commerce for APIs. private (seed)
Inngest no TypeScript-based serverless functions. private (seed)
Fingerprint no Device and user identity. private (series C)
EdgeDB yes Open source graph-relational database. private (series A)
Evervault no Encryption developer tools. private (series A)
Pinecone no Hosted vector database for AI search applications. private (series A)
Hyperline no Billing platform for software-as-a-service businesses. private (seed)
OpenAI no Developing AI models, accessible through APIs. private (series D)
RunPod no GPU cloud infrastructure. private (seed)
Stytch no Authentication API. private (series B)
Unstructured no Data extraction, transformation and loading for LLMs. private (series B)
Knot no APIs for online financial accounts. private (series A)
Qovery no Cloud infrastructure automation. private (seed)
Orca Security no Cloud security posture management. private (series C)
Dataiku no Data analysis and visualization platform. private (series F)
DeepL no AI translator and writing tools. private (series B)
Pipefy no Low-code business process automation. private (series C)
MutableAI no AI code generation. private (seed)
Cleanlab no Data quality issue identification and remediation. private (series A)
Bitrise no Continuous integration and delivery for mobile. private (series C)
Anyscale yes Large language model (LLM) infrastructure. private (series C)
Dopt no Developer tools and components for self-service products. private (seed)
Context.ai no Analytics for products that use large language models (LLMs). private (seed)
Census no Data activation platform for data warehouses. private (series B)
Fastly no Content delivery network (CDN) and cloud security. public (NYSE: FSLY)
Seldon no MLOps and machine learning platform. private (series B)
JetBrains no Software development tools. private (series bootstrapped)
WireMock no API mocking and testing. private (seed)
CodeSee no Code visualization and automation. private (seed)
Duality no Privacy-enhanced data computing. private (series B)
Kentik no Network observability platform. private (series C)
AI21 Labs yes Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand and generate language. private (series C)
Codefresh no Continuous integration and delivery platform. private (series C)
Marqo no Vector database and vector search engine API. private (series A)
Frigade no React components for building product onboarding flows. private (seed)
Cerebrium no Machine learning platform for training, deployment and monitoring models. private (seed)
GitHub no Source control and deployment automation. acquired
HuggingFace no Create, discover and collaborate on machine learning models. private (series D)
Langfuse no Open source observability and analytics for large language models (LLMs). private (seed)
Sysdig no Cloud security. private (series G)
Fern no Helper libraries and documentation for APIs. private (pre-seed)
Weaviate no Open-source vector database. private (series B)
Neon no Fully-managed PostgreSQL relational databases. private (series B)
Pynt no API security testing. private (seed)
Memgraph no Optimized Neo4j-compatible graph database. private (seed)
Infisical no Open source secret and configuration management. private (seed)
Chroma no Open source embedding vector database. private (seed)
Neptune.ai no MLOps for AI experiments. private (series A)
SuperAGI no Open source AI infrastructure. private (series A)
Video SDK yes Real-time video infrastructure for web and mobile. private (seed)
Gentrace no Generative AI quality and speed evaluation. private (seed)
LiveKit yes Real-time video, audio and data APIs. private (seed)
Pusher no Communication and collaboration feature APIs. acquired
PartyKit yes Open source deployment platform for real-time applications. private (seed)
LabelBox no Data platform for building LLMs. private (series D)
Hume yes AI toolkit for understanding human emotion. private (series B)
Datagran no Data analysis, modeling and workflows. private (seed)
Cube yes Data source and application middleware. private (series A)
Superblocks yes Low-code platform for internal applications. private (series A)
Surge AI no Data labeling and reinforcement learning platform. private (series A)
Superagent no AI-assistant framework for large language models. private (pre-seed)
Klu no Large language model app platform. private (pre-seed)
Chainguard no Software supply chain security. private (series B)
ScyllaDB no NoSQL distributed performance data store. private (series C)
Fireworks AI no Large language model inference platform. private (series A)
Chkk no Kubernetes availability platform. private (seed)
Chainlink yes Decentralized computing platform. private (series C)
Integration.app no Custom integrations for software-as-a-service applications. private (seed)
Gladia no Audio transcription and translation APIs. private (seed)
WhyLabs no Machine learning observability. private (series A)
Strapi yes Open source headless content management system (CMS). private (series A)
Contentful no Headless content management system (CMS). private (series F)
Sanity no Cloud hosting platform for content. private (series C)
Storyblok yes Headless content management system (CMS). private (series B)
Prismic no Headless content management system (CMS) and tooling. private (series A)
Cypress no Testing automation tools. private (series B)
Modular no Machine learning and AI infrastructure. private (series B)
Gradient no Infrastructure platform for running custom LLMs. private (seed)
deepset yes Applied data analytics via large language models. private (series B)
Replicate no Platform for running and fine-tuning machine learning models. private (series B)
Activeloop no Data lake for deep learning. private (seed)
Resend no Email API for developers. private (seed)
Patterns no Data analytics in natural language. private (seed)
CodeRabbit no AI code reviews. private (pre-seed)
Graphite no Code review automation and workflow tooling. private (series A)
Talc AI no Automated testing for AI models. private (seed)
Zilliz yes Vector database. private (series B)
Helicone no LLM application monitoring. private (pre-seed)
Together AI no Cloud platform to train, fine-tune, and deploy AI models. private (series B)
Qdrant no Vector database. private (series A)
Clerk no User management platform. private (series B)
Chalk no Machine learning infrastructure. private (seed)
Pulumi no Open source infrastructure as code. private (series C)
Lightning AI no Cloud IDE for AI application development. private (series B)
Align AI no User analytics for AI products. private (seed)
Bugcrowd no Crowdsourced security via bug bounties. private (series E)
Motif Analytics no Sequence analytics and visualizations. private (seed)
DevZero no Build and test in a production-clone cloud environment. private (series A)
Warp yes Faster terminal interface with autocomplete. private (series B)
Flagsmith no Feature flags and remote configurations. private (series bootstrapped)
DataStax no Vector database. private (series G)
Permit.io no Authorization-as-a-service. private (series A)
Instabug no Mobile app testing and feedback. private (series B)
Mistral AI no Large language models. private (series B)
Zama no Open source cryptography. private (series A)
Sieve no Hosted AI models-as-a-service. private (seed)
Cast AI no Cloud computing cost controls. private (series B)
Deepinfra no Hosted AI models-as-a-service. private (seed)
Martian no LLM router. private (seed)
Authentik Security no User identity management platform. private (seed)
Credal no Data workflows and LLM connections. private (seed)
Objective no AI-native search-as-a-service. private (seed)
Shoreline no Observability aggregation and issue identification. private (series B)
Aerospike no NoSQL low latency data store. private (series E)
Observe no Infrastructure monitoring and observing. private (series B)
Lumigo no Microservices tracing and debugging. private (series A)
P0 Security no Secure cloud access for developers and applications. private (seed)
Supersimple yes Self-service analytics dashboards for SaaS companies. private (pre-seed)
Astronomer no Airflow data pipelines. private (series C)
Gitpod yes Isolated cloud dev environments. private (series A)
Hasura yes Data platform for creating APIs. private (series C)
Fleet no Open-source device management for IT and security teams. private (series A)
Polar Signals no Infrastructure instrumentation and profiling. private (seed)
PeerDB yes PostgreSQL replication. private (seed)
OpenMeter yes Usage-based billing infrastructure. private (seed)
Convex no Backend infrastructure-as-a-service. private (series A)
Metronome no Usage-based billing API. private (series B)
Railway no Infrastructure-as-a-service for app deployments. private (series A)
DevCycle no Software feature flags. private (seed)
Togai yes Usage-based billing infrastructure. private (seed)
Postmark no Email API. private (series C)
Jam no One click bug reports. private (series A)
Tggl no Feature flags-as-a-service. private (series bootstrapped)
Lago no Open source usage-based billing infrastructure. private (series A)
Steadybit no Chaos engineering tools. private (series A)
Stainless no Web API SDK generators. private (pre-seed)
APIMATIC no Autogenerated SDKs and example code for APIs. private (seed)
Knock no Notifications infrastructure. private (series A)
Antimatter no Data access control. private (series A)
Ionic no Cross-platform mobile SDK and builds. private (series A)
Kong no Platform for building and operating APIs. private (series D)
Orb no Usage-based billing infrastructure. private (series A)
Unified.to no API for building customer integrations. private (pre-seed)
OctoAI no Generative AI model hosting and APIs. private (series C)
Statsig no Product analytics and experimentation. private (series B)
Temporal no Open source framework for building fault-tolerant applications. private (series B)
vFunction no Software for refactoring monoliths into microservices. private (series A)
Ory no User authentication infrastructure-as-a-service. private (seed)
OpenPipe no Data capture, AI model training and deployment. private (seed)
Rockset no Real-time analytics database. private (series B)
Prismatic no Product code integrations. private (series B)
Octomind no Automated end-to-end software testing. private (seed)
UserHub no SaaS billing platform for end users. private (seed)
Nango no Platform for shipping code integrations. private (pre-seed)
Foundational no Data management platform. private (seed)
RevenueCat no Subscription payment infrastructure. private (series C)
Guardrails AI no Custom validators for LLMs. private (seed)
Liblab no SDK generation for APIs. private (series A)
Semaphore no Continuous integration and delivery. private (series bootstrapped)
FireHydrant no Alerting and incident response. private (series B)
Composable Prompts no LLM application platform. private (seed)
Deepchecks no Evaluation for LLM-based applications. private (seed)
Ditto no Cross-platform device data sync. private (series A)
Incident.io no On-call incident management. private (series A)
Sublime Security no Email security. private (series A)

By Matt Makai. 2021-2024.