Tyler Diogo, a former online community manager, discovered automation while managing an online community for a video game. He began implementing Zapier to streamline his work life as Operations Manager at Arden Insurance Services LLC, a managing general agency specializing in insurance coverage for property owners' associations. Through automation, he created an "automation waterfall effect" that increased efficiency company-wide and reduced annoying emails. Diogo tackled past-due notices for customers by building an automated workflow called the "Invoice Archive," which sends reminder emails with original invoices attached. This process now happens automatically at the beginning of each day, saving up to five hours per day. The automation sparked excitement throughout the company, leading to the implementation of more workflows, including one that completes all mailing requirements for legal notices and other necessary snail mail. With Zapier, Arden has seen its outstanding invoices drop to unprecedented levels, allowing them to double their business every year and reallocate tens of thousands of hours of work to other priorities.