Date Published
Dotun Jolaoso
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Here is a neutral, objective, and interesting summary of the provided text: To create an application that sends SMS notifications using Nexmo whenever Stripe sends out a charge succeeded event, one needs to set up several components including Laravel 5.8, Composer, a Vonage API account, a virtual phone number, and Ngrok. The application requires environment variables such as Nexmo API key and secret credentials, SMS FROM and TO numbers, and a webhook endpoint that Stripe will make a POST request to when a charge succeeds. A WebhookController is created to handle the webhook event, which triggers a notification using Laravel's Notification Facade. The notification class, NewSaleOccurred, is also generated to send an SMS notification with the sale amount. Finally, Ngrok is set up to make the application publicly accessible and Stripe's webhook endpoint is configured to send test events to the application, allowing it to receive instant SMS notifications.