Date Published
Feb. 22, 2024
Phil Leggetter
Word count
Hacker News points


This tutorial aims to create an OmniText solution that enables a conversation across SMS using the Vonage Messages API and email using Postmark email API, utilizing Hookdeck, a serverless asynchronous messaging platform. The solution allows for two-way communication between phone numbers and emails, making it possible to have a single conversation between one phone number and one email address. The tutorial covers setting up connections in Hookdeck to receive SMS webhooks from the Vonage Messages API, transforming the payload into a Postmark email API request, sending the body of the SMS as the body of an email, creating a second connection to receive a Postmark email webhook, transforming the payload into a request payload for the Vonage Messages API, and sending the body of the email as the contents of an SMS message. The solution uses Hookdeck transformations to achieve this functionality, securely storing API credentials within Hookdeck.