Date Published
Jan. 16, 2024
Diana Pham
Word count
Hacker News points


There Are Imposters Among Us` is a blog post that discusses the importance of detecting and preventing fraud in software applications. The author, who is also a developer, shares their experience playing the game "Among Us" with friends during the COVID-19 pandemic, drawing parallels between the game's objective to identify impostors and the real-world challenge of identifying and neutralizing threats to application security. The post introduces Vonage Fraud Defender, a developer-friendly tool for fraud detection and prevention that provides real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities, customizable rule creation, and integration into existing systems at no additional cost. The author guides readers through setting up and using Fraud Defender, highlighting its features such as customizable notification settings, ability to define specific rules, and options to block traffic to selected countries. By following the steps outlined in the post, developers can enhance their applications' security measures against fraud and join a community of "crewmates" on Slack and social media platforms.