Date Published
June 27, 2023
Minakshmi Bardhan
Word count
Hacker News points


This is a web application built using Node.js, React, and the Vonage Messages API that allows users to subscribe to receive reminders to drink water at regular intervals based on their chosen frequency. The backend server uses Express.js to handle requests, sends SMS messages via the Vonage Messages API, and schedules reminders using node-schedule. The frontend UI is built with React Bootstrap components and allows users to sign up for the service by entering their phone number and frequency. Once the application is set up, users will receive SMS reminders at the specified interval to drink water. The application uses CORS to enable cross-origin requests and Vonage's Messages API to send SMS messages. The backend server is started using Node.js, and the frontend UI is launched with npm start. The application can be tested by entering a phone number and frequency in the input fields and submitting the form.