Date Published
Teju Shyamsundar
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Authorization is a growing challenge for enterprises as they shift towards complex multi-cloud ecosystems. It involves making informed, centralized decisions about who should take action on what enterprise resources. Strong security without easy accessibility adds friction, cost, and inefficiency to business operations, while easy accessibility without strong security leads to compliance nightmares and data breaches. Authorization is sometimes confused with authentication but differs as it provides authenticated identities with specific permissions to access, share or interact with enterprise resources. Organizations should shift their focus to authorization due to the rise of strong authorization limiting damage from cyberattacks, tightening data privacy laws and compliance mandates, building consumer trust, and supporting Zero Trust security models. Strong authorization can be fine-tuned to supply least privilege access without restraining productivity. Companies need new tools for strong authorization to provide always-on data access while keeping the enterprise safe from data leaks and security breaches.