Date Published
Shashwat Johari
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Streaming Studio Flow Executions with Event Streams allows developers to trigger external workflows or log steps in real-time as their Twilio Studio Flow executes. This feature was previously only available through HTTP Request widgets, but now provides more flexibility and scalability. To achieve this, developers need to create a webhook sink using the Twilio CLI, subscribe to specific Studio events, set up a backend server to listen for these events, and wire up a frontend to render the events in real-time. The process involves creating a publicly accessible URL, setting up a webhook sink, subscribing to Studio events, setting up a backend server, and wiring up a frontend using Once complete, developers can test their application by executing a Twilio Studio Flow and viewing the rendered events on the frontend. This integration approach offers better retry and delivery guarantees than standard webhook responses and is suitable for modern microservices architectures.