Date Published
David Fagbuyiro
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Hacker News points


You can create a powerful SMS-based stock price update system using Go and Twilio by following this tutorial. The application will receive real-time stock price updates via SMS, allowing users to make informed investment decisions on the go. To start, you'll need to set up your project directory, retrieve your Alpha Vantage API key and Twilio credentials, install necessary packages, and create an endpoint in the app to take incoming SMS messages, check the given stock prices, and respond by SMS to the given phone with the Twilio API. You'll also need to open ngrok to expose the locally running Go application to the internet, allowing Twilio's SMS webhook to send real-time stock price updates. Once set up, you can test the application by sending a stock quote from your phone to your Twilio-generated phone number and receiving the current stock price in response.