Date Published
Stephenie Minami Nakajima
Word count
Hacker News points


In this tutorial, we learn how to create an OCR communication app using Tesseract.js and React. The project is divided into two parts: part one covers the front end development, while part two focuses on back end development and testing of the app. We start by setting up a Node.js server in the root directory of the project and store Twilio credentials in an .env file. Then, we create a proxy definition to package.json to prevent same origin policy errors when sending requests from the front end to the back end API server. Next, we retrieve Twilio credentials from environment variables and configure the endpoint for sending SMS. Finally, we test the app by running it in two terminal windows and checking its behavior. The completed app allows users to process images with OCR, edit the recognized text, and send the processed text as an SMS to a specified phone number.