Date Published
Matthew Setter
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To create a landing page with Laravel 8, Vue.js, and SendGrid, start by bootstrapping a new Laravel application and installing required packages. Create a LandingPageController to handle requests for the two routes (/ and /signup) and define a show method that renders the landing page form and a signup method that validates user input, sends an email to the user's specified address if validation succeeds, and adds the user to SendGrid's contact list if server-side validation passes. Create templates for the landing page form and confirmation message using Blade, and update Laravel's configuration files to enable CORS, mail sending via SendGrid, and CSRF protection. Next, create a Vue.js application with JavaScript code that powers the frontend, including a processForm method that sends a POST request to the /signup endpoint when the form is submitted. Finally, build the frontend application using Laravel Mix and Tailwind CSS, test the application, and deploy it to production.