Date Published
Smuruthi Kesavan
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Pricing for enterprise SaaS products is complex, requiring alignment with customer needs and addressing pain points throughout the product lifecycle. A Mckinsey study found that 84% of publicly listed software companies saw their valuations fall last year, with over 25% dropping by more than half, as investors prioritize efficient growth and revenue expansion. Most companies lack the infrastructure to make pricing changes stick, often sticking with unsustainable models. Adapting to usage trends is crucial for SaaS providers, as seat-based pricing may not align directly with the value delivered and can be non-auditable in cases of shared licenses. 97% of higher-growth software companies plan to evolve their pricing metrics, shifting towards usage-based pricing. Implementing pricing changes requires alignment across multiple teams, including product, finance, and sales, while managing customer expectations is essential. Strategies for developing an effective enterprise SaaS pricing model include market research, value-based pricing, customer segmentation, usage-based pricing, tiered pricing, and focusing on lifetime value and customer success. Best practices for enterprise SaaS pricing include using clear messaging, offering free plans or trials, monitoring metrics and iterating, aligning pricing with product value, providing flexible add-ons, and scaling with a flexible billing tool like Togai.