Pricing for a SaaS product is not just about numbers; it's a strategic tool that impacts customer acquisition, growth, and revenue. Different pricing strategies can be adopted to match business goals, including freemium models, penetration pricing, and cost-plus pricing. Value-based pricing aligns price with perceived value by understanding key value drivers and conducting customer research. Competitive pricing analysis helps position the SaaS offering effectively, while dynamic pricing provides flexibility in response to market conditions. Tiered pricing structures offer different service levels at varying price points, allowing customers to choose packages that best fit their needs and budget. Conversion strategies from free to paid versions should clearly demonstrate added value of premium offerings. Psychological pricing tactics like charm pricing can make a product more appealing. The role of customer acquisition cost (CAC) and lifetime value (LTV) in pricing decisions is crucial, as well as the scalability of the pricing model for business growth. Careful implementation of SaaS price changes with clear communication is necessary to avoid losing customers. Continuous monitoring of market and customer insights should guide iterations of the pricing strategy.