Overfitting and underfitting are two persistent issues that plague AI developers and researchers as they work with increasingly complex, high-dimensional datasets. Overfitting occurs when a model performs well on its training data but fails to generalize effectively to new data, while underfitting happens when a model is too simplistic or lacks sufficient training time, resulting in poor predictive abilities for both the training and testing data. To mitigate overfitting, strategies include increasing the size of the training dataset, improving its quality, removing irrelevant features, reducing the number of training epochs, and using regularization techniques like L1, L2, or dropout regularization. To address underfitting, methods involve increasing the size and quality of the training data, enhancing the model's complexity, refining feature selection, extending the number of training epochs, and decreasing regularization levels. Balancing overfitting and underfitting is crucial for maximizing a model's predictive abilities across various data types and ensuring its reliable performance in real-world use cases.