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Try it free, or book a demo with an expert to learn how you can deliver internal apps 10x faster with Superblocks.` Generative AI models like Claude excel at interpreting natural language prompts and providing well-reasoned responses; however, these models lack direct access to business data and cannot independently take action to modify business systems. To address this limitation, "tool use" capabilities are being introduced, enabling AI models to interact with external tools. This allows developers to empower models like Claude to update Salesforce, respond to Zendesk tickets, query internal databases, and more. Superblocks is a platform that enables the implementation of tool use in production with minimal overhead. It can be used to create an AI agent for a sales team that minimizes manual work required to sync Postgres and Salesforce. The process involves setting up an Anthropic connection within Superblocks, creating a workflow that dictates what actions the agent can take, exposing this tool in the LLM call to Claude, defining the tool's name and description, explaining its inputs and options to Claude, building a JSON object that defines these inputs, creating an API that passes off definitions to Claude, and streaming messages into the frontend. The platform also offers a wide array of Run JS functions that allow for full control over the end user's experience with the application as they call workflows and APIs using only natural language. By combining Claude's natural language understanding with Superblocks' dynamic tool orchestration, users can create an easy-to-use, multi-functional, and deeply integrated chatbot in just a few hours.