Date Published
Mike Sullivan
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In this tutorial, we will create a simple Next.js application that transcribes audio files using OpenAI's API and stores them in a database with Strapi. We will use the following technologies: 1. Next.js: A React framework for building server-side rendered (SSR) applications. 2. OpenAI API: An AI model that can generate human-like text from given prompts. 3. Strapi: A headless CMS that allows you to manage your content through an easy-to-use interface. 4. Material UI: A popular React component library for building responsive user interfaces. 5. Vercel: A cloud platform for deploying Next.js applications with ease. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to build this application: 1. Setting up the project structure and dependencies 2. Creating the TranscribeContainer component 3. Implementing the transcription logic using OpenAI API 4. Storing transcriptions in Strapi database 5. Building the Meeting dashboard UI with Next.js and Material UI 6. Deploying the application to Vercel By following this tutorial, you will learn how to build a simple yet powerful web application that transcribes audio files using OpenAI's API and stores them in a Strapi database. This can be useful for various applications such as virtual meetings, podcast transcriptions, or any other scenario where you need to convert speech-to-text programmatically. Let's get started! 🚀 ```