Date Published
Kevine Nzapdi
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In this tutorial, we built a real estate listing application using Strapi CMS for the backend and SvelteKit for the frontend. We covered setting up Strapi with authentication and authorization, creating an API endpoint for our data model, and building a user interface in SvelteKit to interact with that data. Here's a summary of what we did: 1. Set up Strapi CMS: Installed and initialized Strapi, created a new project, and set up the database. 2. Define the data model: Created an "Estate" content type in Strapi to store property details like name, description, price, location, etc. 3. Configure API endpoints: Defined routes for CRUD operations on our "Estate" content type. 4. Set up SvelteKit project: Initialized a new SvelteKit application and installed necessary dependencies. 5. Fetch data from Strapi: Used Axios to fetch estate data from the backend in SvelteKit components. 6. Display data on the frontend: Created a home page that displays all properties fetched from the API endpoint. 7. Create property form: Added a "Create Property" button and form where users can input details of new properties. 8. Update property form: Included an "Update" button in each estate card, which redirects to an update form with initial values of the estate when clicked. 9. Delete property functionality: Implemented delete functionality by adding a "Delete" button in each estate card that deletes the corresponding estate from the backend when clicked. 10. Add user authentication and authorization: Used Strapi's built-in Users & Permissions plugin to configure roles and permissions, created a login page in SvelteKit, and added checks for authenticated users before allowing them to perform CRUD operations on properties. This tutorial provided an overview of how you can use SvelteKit with Strapi CMS to build modern web applications quickly and efficiently. You can further enhance this application by incorporating features like search and filters, animation, loading states, etc., based on your requirements.