Date Published
Juliet Ofoegbu
Word count
Hacker News points


In this tutorial, we built a finance tracker web application using Next.js for the frontend, Strapi as our backend headless CMS, and Chart.js to create visuals for our data. We started by setting up our development environment and creating a new project with Create Next App. Then, we installed all necessary dependencies and set up our database schema in Strapi. Next, we built the signup and login functionalities using JWT authentication. After that, we created routes to fetch budgets, incomes, and expenses data from the backend server and display them on the frontend. We also implemented a feature that enables users to add new budget entries, update existing ones, delete budget entries, and view their current budget status. We then built a personalized report generation feature using Strapi's API endpoint for generating reports based on user data. Finally, we added functionality to export the generated report as PDF. This finance tracker application can be used by individuals hoping to manage their finances, observe their spending habits, track their financial data, and get a simplified report of their finances. The app is built with scalability in mind, allowing for easy addition of new features or modifications to existing ones.