Date Published
June 28, 2024
Marjorie Freeman
Word count
Hacker News points


Alan Turing, a renowned computer scientist and inventor of the Bombe code-breaking system during WWII, was an openly gay man. His contributions to artificial intelligence and the Turing Test have significantly impacted technology today. However, queer greatness is not adequately represented in the tech industry. Many influential figures in history were queer, such as George Washington Carver, Florence Nightingale, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Francis Bacon, and Leonardo DaVinci. Lynn Conway, a transgender woman, was awarded IBM's Lifetime Achievement Award for her contributions to computer science. Other notable queer tech figures include Dani Berry, Christopher Strachey, Edie Windsor, Jon "Maddog" Hall, Mary Ann Horton, Audrey Tang, Angelica Ross, Sophie Wilson, Grace Banu, and Leanne Pittsford. These individuals have made significant contributions to technology while also advocating for the rights of the queer community.