Introducing 50+ additional Text-to-Speech voices with Amazon Polly Integration |
Twilio |
1084 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Programmable Wireless adds 57 New Countries (now supports 185!) |
Twilio |
277 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Two-Factor Authentication: Building Blocks For Better Security |
Twilio |
1647 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Minimize Risk with Continuous Integration (CI) and Deployment (CD) |
Sentry |
1075 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Progressive Delivery, a History...Condensed |
LaunchDarkly |
1498 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Additional Record Types Available with Cloudflare DNS |
Cloudflare |
2003 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
DZone | Measuring Success in Game Development |
InfluxData |
125 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Why Go Serverless: The Benefits & Challenges |
Netlify |
1460 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Building reliable machine learning models with cross-validation |
Comet |
606 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Why You Should Worry About Expected Fails and Unexpected Pass Test |
LambdaTest |
796 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Eventing: Notification with Couchbase Functions |
Couchbase |
1509 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Financial Risk Reporting: Building a Risk Metadata Foundation |
Neo4j |
762 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
How the Apache Airflow® Project Will Change |
Astronomer |
1272 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |
Find Your Chronotype and Schedule Your Productivity |
Zapier |
2216 |
Aug. 6, 2018 |