Date Published
Nicole White
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Hacker News points


The RNeo4j package allows users to interact with a Neo4j database from within the R environment, enabling quick and easy data exploration. Recent updates include functionality for retrieving and handling paths, as well as community contributions such as opening the Neo4j browser in RStudio's viewer pane and setting custom HTTP options. The `getPaths` function retrieves a list of path objects with a Cypher query, while `nodes` extracts node objects from a path object. Additionally, `rels` extracts relationship objects, and `shortestPath` and `allShortestPaths` find the shortest or all shortest paths between two nodes, respectively. The package also includes sample datasets that can be imported for quick exploration, such as the Twitter dataset. Furthermore, users can set custom HTTP options to improve performance, including setting a timeout value. Overall, RNeo4j provides a powerful tool for working with graph databases from within R.