This week's edition of "This Week in Neo4j" highlights the community's efforts and recent releases from the Neo4j team. Mark Needham is featured as a community member, having made significant contributions to the company, including writing articles, organizing meetups, and helping with training classes. The 5000th member joined the neo4j-users Discord channel, and the GraphConnect Europe conference has concluded, with videos and slides from the talks available online. Recent releases include Neo4j 3.2 and its alpha version, as well as updates to the Bolt drivers for various programming languages. Blogs and publications feature articles on topics such as machine learning, data analytics, and graph visualization. The OGMNeo JavaScript object graph mapper for Neo4j was showcased in an online meetup, and upcoming events include talks on using Neo4j for blockchain analysis and introducing Neo4j Bolt Drivers. Additionally, the Neo4j Knowledge Base has published three new posts on topics such as match intersection, logging, and port connectivity validation.