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Mark Needham
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Neo4j is publishing a more focused update once a week instead of covering everything that happened in the month, with an email address [email protected] for feedback. Andrew Bowman, also known as InverseFalcon, has been answering 79 questions on StackOverflow and is active on the Neo4j Discord channel. The next online meetup will feature Jesús Barrasa talking about his experiences in the RDF and graph worlds. A new Neo4j Sandbox allows users to play around with Neo4j quickly, while a recent Forbes article highlights NASA's use of Neo4j to connect related topics. Community experiments include a Chrome bookmarklet for charts and sorting/searching/paging tabular results in the Neo4j Browser, as well as blog posts on loading CSV and JSON data into Neo4j. Optimizing Neo4j queries involves tips from the field team, while the Graphistania podcast continues to interview Neo4j community members. Learning resources include intro tutorials for Neo4j with Java and JavaScript drivers.