OpenAI semantic search is being used with a graph database of PDF files to save the generated embedding vectors in Neo4j nodes and calculate the cosine similarity at the database level using graph data science. A biomedical engineer is exploring a chemical graph database with Neo4j Dash, which enables fuzzy full-text search with an input field and result field. Graph algorithms and visualization are being discussed for clinical care support of pneumonia. Pythonistas can learn about Nodes 2022, while automating deployment of Neo4j Java extensions on Google Cloud is also possible. Knowledge graphs are being connected to the high-performance graph database system Neo4j as a user-friendly way to store and query them, allowing for rapid knowledge graph construction. Upcoming events include discovering AuraDB, porting Global-Chem Graph Infrastructure into Neo4j, and deploying a full stack GraphQL application. Several Neo4j-related extensions and tools are being discussed, including Quarkus Neo4j, Gephi 0.10, and built-in JDBC connector alpha.