The GraphAcademy course "Path Finding with Graph Data Science" has been released, teaching how to find the shortest paths between pairs of nodes in graph data science. The course includes examples for both weighted and unweighted relationships. Additionally, the free two-hour pre-NODES workshops on Apache Hop, Graph EDA, Apache Arrow, healthcare analytics, and Neo4j graph database are available, featuring top graph practitioners. The NODES conference will take place on November 16 and 17, with over 100 graph experts sharing their knowledge on various unique use cases. A new course by Dagmar Waltemath showcases a knowledge graph integrating multiple data sources during the NODES conference, highlighting the potential of graph databases for better data integration and exploration. Furthermore, a free one-hour Graph Academy course "Path Finding with GDS" is available to learn how to use the Neo4j Graph Data Science library to find weighted shortest paths, while another blog post discusses graph native storage in Neo4j. The event also features video tutorials, open-source projects, and data visualization tools, including a 5-part series on NeoDash 2.0 for data storytelling with Neo4j.