The developer community is being invited to explore inspiring talks about graphs at GraphConnect, with presentations on business cases and in-depth tech talks available for viewing. The Neo4j NODES conference is scheduled for November 16th and 17, 2022, and there is still time to submit a talk until August 20. A newsletter features articles such as Journeys in Java, which showcases building a Spring Boot application with Neo4j data, and Graph Data Science for User Segmentation, where Tomaz Bratanic applies the Neo4j GDS library to identify node roles. The community is also encouraged to participate in the Neo4j Code Golf challenge, a Cypher coding contest with prizes totaling $27,000. A featured community member, Mark Heckler, is recognized for his contributions and expertise in graph technology. His work on Spring Boot: Up & Running has been published, and he co-presented a session at GraphConnect with Jennifer Reif. Additionally, there are various resources available, including training guides, implementation tutorials, and operational tips for Neo4j users.