This week's Neo4j community update is a mixed bag of interesting topics and announcements. The new milestone release of Neo4j 4.0 is available for public testing, featuring exciting capabilities such as reactive support, multiple databases, additional security and role management, and optimizations for the database and algorithms. Meanwhile, Joe Depeau shows us how to find popular kids in high school using the PageRank algorithm, while Paul O'Neill shares his experience creating a custom procedure for paging through query results and representing Minecraft Craft Trees as a Graph. Other notable topics include navigating a social feed with pagination, interrogating a cancer graph with Neo4j Bloom, new releases of Neo4j OGM and yFiles visualization for Java, and a tutorial on installing Graphlytic as a graph app in Neo4j Desktop. The week also features a featured community member profile of Paul O'Neill and a tweet of the week from Melly Burns.