The MusicBrainz database is an open content music database that captures information about artists, their recorded works, and the relationships between them. It has around 1000 active users, nearly 800,000 artists, 75,000 record labels, over 1,200,000 releases, and more than 12,000,000 tracks. The data is identified by its MusicBrainz Identifier (MBID), which is a universal UUID for the music recording industry. The database's core data is licensed under CC0, placing it in the public domain. The relational model of MusicBrainz consists of several tables linked together to represent artists, labels, releases, and relationships between them. The database can be imported into Neo4j using the SQL2GRAPH tool, which creates a schema mapping from SQL tables to graph nodes and properties, and then exports the data in SQL format. This process involves three steps: creating a temporary table, exporting nodes and relationships as TSV files, and importing these files into Neo4j using the batch-import tool. The resulting import takes around 5 minutes on a small machine, with over 7 million nodes and 72 million relationships imported.