Date Published
Mark Needham
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As part of the Neo4j Developer Relations team, they aim to integrate Neo4j with other technologies and frameworks, ensuring developers can use Neo4j with their favorite tools. They have seen a surge in popularity of Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. A Neo4j causal cluster is composed of servers playing two roles: Core Servers, which safeguard data using the Raft protocol, and Read Replicas, which scale out graph workloads by acting as caches for the data protected by Core Servers. They have created Kubernetes templates in the kubernetes-neo4j repository to help developers get started with deploying Neo4j clusters. Helm is a tool that streamlines installing and managing Kubernetes applications, and they have merged the Neo4j Helm package into the charts incubator, allowing easy deployment of Neo4j clusters using Helm. Developers can install and use Neo4j with their favorite technologies, including Kubernetes, by following the provided steps and feedback channels.