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Dave Kiss
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Data analysis can significantly impact business growth by identifying trends and informing decisions in various areas such as product development, marketing, and more. Video interaction data is particularly valuable for understanding customer behavior and preferences. Mux Data provides a customer-facing dashboard to assess video content performance, but businesses may also want to bring this viewing data in-house to leverage it further. Mux has partnered with AWS to enable real-time view data from Mux viewing sessions to be streamed to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. This service allows continuous capture of gigabytes of data per second from hundreds of thousands of sources, making it ideal for handling video interaction data. Possible use cases include building a real-time analytics dashboard, moving data into Amazon Redshift, storing data long term in an S3 data lake, improving performance and reliability through CDN switching, or integrating with machine learning tools like TensorFlow to predict trends. To configure your AWS account for processing real-time view data from Mux viewing sessions, follow these steps: 1. Create a new streaming export on the Streaming Exports section of your Mux dashboard. 2. Create a Kinesis data stream in the Amazon Kinesis dashboard and note down its ARN. 3. Create an IAM policy to enable Mux access by configuring it with a custom policy that includes the stream ARN. 4. Create an IAM role to enable Mux access by setting up a role that provides the Mux external AWS account access to your AWS account resources, using Mux's AWS account ID and External ID provided in Step 1. 5. Share your Stream ARN and Role ARN with Mux on the Streaming Exports page and click "Enable export" to finish the process. Once completed, you can leverage your video interaction data for various purposes such as analytics, insights, and predictions. AWS offers flexibility in configuring this setup according to specific business needs and use cases.