Health checks for cloud infrastructure are essential mechanisms to monitor the health and availability of components within a system. Assessing the health of distributed software systems running on cloud-based infrastructure is complex due to the need to define appropriate health check configurations for each component, managing health checks at scale in dynamic environments like Kubernetes can be challenging. Health checks must adapt to changing network topology and discover appropriate endpoints to monitor. Applications built as distributed systems are designed such that an app is self-contained and does not rely on external resources, requiring environment variables to ensure health check config aligns with dynamic port assigned during runtime. The lifecycle of a container includes starting, stopping, and restarting, which can lead to false negatives if health checks are not designed to factor these dynamic states. Basic health check designs should be independent of application logic, resilient to failures in the application or underlying infrastructure, and provide clear and consistent health status using standardized health status code from OpenAPI specification. Kubernetes provides built-in functionality for health checks through liveness probes and readiness probes, which can simplify the management and analysis of health check data. Observability tools like OpenTelemetry can standardize instrumentation, collect, analyze, and correlate telemetry data across services, improving troubleshooting, performance optimization, and understanding interactions within distributed web applications. However, inefficiencies remain unresolved due to excessive resource consumption, noise and false positives emerging from high volume of data generated by Kubernetes, leading to alert fatigue and high running costs for observability tools.