You've probably seen Rush Hour, a logic puzzle where you have to slide cars and trucks out of the way to steer the red car towards the exit. In real life, fleet operators need to keep their finger on the pulse of their operations, tracking hundreds or thousands of data points from dozens of valuable, mission-critical sensors. The fleet management software industry is growing rapidly, but traditional cloud-based models don't always work well for fleet management apps due to the unique challenges of handling a vast number of data points in real-time. Serverless computing offers a solution by automatically managing all computing resources behind the scenes, allowing for infinite and precise scalability. However, serverless also comes with challenges such as observability of services and connections between them, requiring monitoring, impact assessment, and troubleshooting to resolve problems fast. To achieve better serverless production, vendors offer DIY using free/open-source tools, native cloud-provider tools, or third-party applications that simplify observability, monitoring, and tracing. A serverless observability platform like Lumigo helps you find and fix problems fast with smart monitoring, troubleshooting, and end-to-end tracing without any code changes.