Date Published
Jessica Wachtel
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ju:niz Energy, a leading decentralized energy supplier in Germany, faced challenges with its legacy hardware and software systems that couldn't handle their increasing data needs for renewable energy management. They upgraded to InfluxDB 2.0 and added InfluxDB Cloud v1 but still experienced issues with data syncing and storage. The introduction of InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated provided a solution, enabling reliable data ingestion, high availability, and increased storage space. ju:niz Energy now uses iEMS SPS for plant control and collects data using Telegraf to write to InfluxDB OSS, which is then sent to the central AWS-hosted Cloud Dedicated cluster. This has allowed them to store all their data in the cloud without worrying about costs due to high-ratio data compression. The performant queries of InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated have also improved their Grafana alerting systems and incident management workflow.