Date Published
Lou Bichard
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Docker was introduced in 2013 as a revolutionary solution to the 'works on my machine' problem that has long plagued development teams. It simplified containerization technology and provided a developer-friendly interface for building, shipping, and running containers. However, Docker alone cannot fully address this issue due to its complexity and the need for developers to understand Linux system administration skills. The solution might lie in automated and standardized development environments (CDEs) that can reduce environment setup time, debugging time related to inconsistencies, and accelerate project delivery timelines. CDEs streamline development processes by providing pre-configured tools, dependencies, and access required for coding. They also centralize automation tasks related to the setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting of development environments. CDEs like Gitpod build on and extend container technology with Dev Containers to offer a full development environment at the click of a button, aiming to fully solve the 'works on my machine' problem by enabling developers to be productive as quickly as possible.