Date Published
Feb. 18, 2021
Cat Origitano
Word count
Hacker News points


In 2021, business intelligence trends are expected to shift towards real-time data analysis and more flexible dashboards. The "death of the dashboard" refers to moving away from static presentation tools in favor of dynamic platforms that can answer questions on the spot. Data governance is also set to evolve into a balanced approach similar to Goldilocks' ideal situation, ensuring accessibility without compromising security. Real data will become more important as companies adopt modern data stacks for near real-time insights. The hype around AI may subside as businesses recognize the value of human interpretation and context in decision making. Cloud data exploration is expected to rise with a focus on self-service BI, while collaborative analytics will shift towards cross-team workshops for more effective problem solving. Finally, capturing elusive data sources like manager's notes or Excel files will become crucial for comprehensive analysis.