The global energy sector is undergoing a transformative shift known as the Energiewende, or Energy Transition, which requires decentralized cross-organizational data mesh and environment portability as baseline requirements. The traditional centralized model of energy production is giving way to a decentralized framework, where renewable energy sources are often smaller and geographically dispersed, requiring efficient management of vast amounts of data generated by edge devices such as smart meters, sensors, and IoT devices. To address the obstacles to a resilient distributed infrastructure, it's essential to ensure portability, which necessitates technological and hardware agnosticism. This is facilitated by next-generation software libraries designed to operate seamlessly on both local machines and cloud platforms, enabling developers to leverage high-performance Rust or C libraries through Python bindings. A robust governance of metadata, particularly concerning data access rights, is also critical, introducing the need for a vendor-independent metadata catalog capable of integration across diverse technologies. The adoption of cross-organizational data mesh enables communication and data sharing among multiple stakeholders at scale, treating data as a product managed by individual domains within an organization. In this context, portability and resilience become critical strategic imperatives in the geopolitical landscape of energy transition, particularly as traditional centralized power infrastructures are challenged.