Somewhere Between Data Democracy and Data Anarchy: The struggle for balance between giving users the freedom to create and explore data, while maintaining governance and structure. This is a common issue in organizations where data democracies are implemented, leading to anarchy due to lack of procedures or rules to limit creation and modification of data. Consequences include incorrect or redundant data, clutter in data warehouses, and longer waiting times for simple data. To address this, the concept of governed data democracy is introduced, which involves creating procedures, rules, and permissions to ensure that users can explore and create data independently while maintaining a single source of truth. The article suggests five steps to achieve this: identifying main data sources, hosting all pipelines in shared repositories, setting up test and production environments, creating an automated data transfer service between both environments, and implementing a backup policy and documenting how to access data. By following these steps, organizations can maintain the benefits of data democracy while avoiding its pitfalls.