The DigitalOcean Marketplace team aims to provide a platform that encodes operational knowledge into shareable and repeatable software through community collaboration. They built on DigitalOcean Kubernetes, utilizing three main infrastructure components: DigitalOcean Kubernetes for core infrastructure, OpenChannel for the catalog API and data warehouse, and Cloudflare for CDN and load-balancing. The benefits of GitOps workflows include safe upgrades, repeatable environment, rollbacks, automation, central source of truth, and transparency. Their Kubernetes clusters run various open-source packages such as Prometheus, FluentD, Fluent Bit, Nginx, Apollo, GraphQL, Node, cert-manager, Let's Encrypt, Grafana, Runscope, Docker Hub, Kustomize, GitHub, Kibana, and DigitalOcean Spaces. They also use Shipit for automated deploys to staging and production from Git commits, and Codefresh for automated unit and integration testing on Git commits.