Date Published
David Jones-Gilardi
Word count
Hacker News points


In this article, the author discusses their transition from using Cassandra tables for searches to DataStax Enterprise (DSE) Search in KillrVideo, an open-source video streaming application. The motivation behind this move was the need to expand searches beyond tags and provide more comprehensive, "fuzzy" searches while maintaining flexibility for future search enhancements. The author explains how they replaced their Cassandra only approach with DSE Search by creating a search index on the videos table, which holds all information necessary for their searches. They also highlight some of the benefits of using DSE Search, such as automatically updating indexes when data is inserted into the Cassandra-based videos table and allowing searches against any field in the table without requiring explicit code or queries. The article then compares the results obtained from the original CQL queries with those achieved using DSE Search, demonstrating an increase in the amount and variation of search options available to users. The author also discusses how using DSE Search allowed them to provide a more comprehensive experience by making it easy to include multiple facets of data and even cover cases where key pieces of information were missing. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that their goal was to demonstrate how using DSE Search enhanced their search capability without requiring significant changes to their overall design. In part 3, they will discuss further benefits of using DSE Search, such as code simplification and advanced search capabilities.