Date Published
Robin Schumacher
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DataStax Enterprise (DSE) 6 is announced as a major win for customers requiring an always-on, distributed database to support their modern real-time applications in hybrid cloud environments. DSE 6 offers the best distribution of Apache Cassandra™ and represents the only hybrid cloud database capable of maintaining and distributing data in any format, anywhere – on-premise, in the cloud, multi-cloud, and hybrid-cloud. The latest release includes DSE Advanced Performance, which dramatically increases performance over its foundational open source components as well as its competitors; DSE NodeSync for seamless synchronization of data across clusters; DSE TrafficControl for advanced resiliency that ensures DSE nodes stay online under extreme workloads; and DSE Upgrade service for automated help with patch upgrades. Additionally, DataStax Studio 6 provides notebook support for Spark SQL, enabling a visual and intelligent interface and query builder to write Spark SQL queries and review the results.