Date Published
Nyah Macklin - Developer Evangelist
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Hacker News points


If you'd like to watch this blog live, here is a video of Nyah Macklin & Jessica Rose walking through the process of installing Visual Studio Code, otherwise read on! In our last post, we learned how to take snapshots of our code in time using Git and save and share those code snapshots with other developers using GitHub. Today, we will learn how to turn the code we wrote into real websites with real URLs we can share with others using Netlify. In simple terms, think of Netlify as a place where you can show other people your website. You've written code which currently either lives on your computer in Visual Studio Code or it lives on the web still in code form on GitHub. Netlify provides the space and tools to show it off to the world as a full website. It's like opening a window and shouting, "Hey world, check out my website!" To start using Netlify, create an account by going to their website, signing up with your email and password, and optionally linking to GitHub or other version control services. Once signed up, deploy your first project by dragging and dropping the folder containing your code into the Netlify interface. This will give you a unique URL for your site that you can share with others. You can also customize this URL by adding a custom domain name if desired. With these steps, you've successfully created and deployed your first website on Netlify, and are now ready to showcase it to the world.