Date Published
Georgina Martin, Solutions Engineer
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Planning for disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity (BC) is crucial for any modern application, especially those with mobile or edge computing components. Service outages can have serious impacts on a business and require effective strategies to recover from. Couchbase Mobile Stack is a cloud-to-edge platform that enables deployment of offline-first mobile and embedded applications, providing fast and efficient data synchronization. Cross Data Center Replication (XDCR) is a highly performant replication technology that allows for replication of data between two or more Couchbase clusters, serving a vital role in supporting DR strategies and data migration. XDCR can be established unidirectionally or bidirectionally, allowing for various topologies to support different use cases. By using XDCR as part of a DR strategy, it's possible to ensure BC/DR for a mobile deployment by maintaining Sync Gateway on standby and unidirectional XDCR, especially when flipping the cluster, and following specific steps to switch over to the secondary cluster.