Date Published
Danica Fine
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The Kafka consumer plays a crucial role in reading data from Kafka topics, but it's not as simple as just setting up a client and calling `consumer.poll()`. The consumer must first determine which topics and partitions to consume from, and this is where the configuration parameters `` and `partition.assignment.strategy` come into play. These parameters control how partitions are assigned to consumers within a group, and there are several strategies available, including RangeAssignor, RoundRobinAssignor, StickyAssignor, CooperativeStickyAssignor, among others. Additionally, consumers must issue fetch requests to get the relevant offsets from the internal `__consumer_offsets` topic, and they can configure parameters such as `auto.offset.reset` to determine where in the Kafka topic to start reading from. Once these settings are determined, consumers send fetch requests using binary protocol over TCP, which result in a request-response process with various configuration parameters controlling the amount of data returned, such as `fetch.min.bytes`, `fetch.max.bytes`, and `max.partition.fetch.bytes`. The consumer must also monitor metrics related to offsets, partition assignment, and request handling to ensure optimal performance.