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The article discusses the increasing use of internet shutdowns and cyberattacks that restrict access to information in various communities worldwide. In 2020, Access Now's #KeepItOn coalition documented at least 155 internet shutdowns in 29 countries. These disruptions affect millions of people globally, impacting their ability to express themselves, earn a livelihood, gather and disseminate information, and participate in public life. The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) emphasizes the importance of the internet as a means for individuals to exercise their rights to freedom of opinion and expression, and its role in facilitating other human rights such as economic, social, cultural, civil, and political rights. Internet disruptions are particularly significant during elections, as they disrupt the dissemination and sharing of information about electoral contests and undermine the democratic process. To combat this issue, Cloudflare has introduced new programs to help civil society partners track and document internet shutdowns and protect democratic elections worldwide from cyberattacks. One such program is Radar Alerts, which provides real-time notifications of significant drops in internet traffic, typically associated with an internet shutdown. This system was initially developed for internal use at Cloudflare but has been adapted to benefit civil society groups that track and report these shutdowns. The article highlights collaborations with various organizations such as Access Now, The Carter Center, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Internet Society, Internews, and The National Democratic Institute in using Radar Alerts to document, track, and hold institutions accountable for human rights violations related to internet shutdowns.