The Web Summit 2021 took place in Lisbon, Portugal from November 1-4, with over 42,000 attendees from 128 countries. The event focused on internet trends and discussions about the future of technology. Topics included the metaverse, digital divide, Web3, data privacy, security, ethics in AI, decentralized web, workplace changes, digitalization of healthcare, mental health, behavior changes in humans, and decentralization of financial services. Notable speakers included Chris Cox (CPO of Meta), Jon Vlassopulos (Global Head of Music, Roblox), Sonia Jorge (Executive Director, World Wide Web Foundation), David Kiron (Editorial director, MIT Sloan Management Review), Ana Maiques (Co-founder and CEO, Neuroelectrics), Siyabulela Mandela (Director for Africa Journalists for Human Rights), Carlos Moedas (Newly elected Mayor of Lisbon), Sudarsan Reddy (Cloudflare engineer), Yusuf Sherwani (Co-founder & CEO, Quit Genius), David Shrier (American futurist and Professor of Practice, AI & Innovation with Imperial College Business School in London), and Dame Til Wykes (Professor of Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation at King's College London).